Privacy Policy

We handle your personal information in a secure manner. This is what we do:

Use of cookies

What are cookies and what are they used for? Unn from Norway AS uses cookies like most other websites. A cookie is data that is stored in your browser’s internal memory that is purposed to give you a better and more relevant user experience when you visit a web page. Unn from Norway AS uses cookies for statistics to learn about our visitors so that we can improve our web pages and make them more user friendly.

What information is stored? Information about your IP address, web browser, Operating System, Internet Service Provider, visited pages and time and date for the visits is stored in the cookies. We never store data that can identify the user.

Here is how you can avoid cookies: You can set your web browser to not accept cookies automatically. Check your web browser's help for its settings. Know that if you chose to avoid cookies, some of the functions on the site may not work.

The information will not be made available or delivered to a third party. By using the website of Unn from Norway AS you accept the use of cookies.